As a follow-up to the Cybersecurity Standardisation Conference 2020, Marco Spruit (the leader of the standardisation task in the SMESEC project) contacted the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), which is one of the three standards developing organisations (SDOs) in Europe.
ETSI has a technical committee (TC) for cybersecurity, TC CYBER. Marco Spruit requested ETSI TC CYBER representatives to present the SMESEC project and the outcomes of the standardisation task (T6.3) in particular in a TC CYBER meeting. The presentation request was accepted, and Marco Spruit was invited to present in the meeting that was held on May 19. The agenda of the presentation was as follows:
1 SMESEC introduction
2 Cybersecurity for SMEs: From standardisation stakeholders’ workshop to research agenda
3 Cybersecurity standardization “where-to-start” guideline for European SMEs
4 Cybersecurity maturity assessment of/for SMEs
5 What’s next?
Afterwards, the chair of the meeting requested feedback from all participants, which expressed their interest in the presentation, and the contributions of the standardisation task were well received. A follow-up collaboration has now been initiated specifically for the “Cybersecurity standardization “where-to-start” guideline for European SMEs."
A CEN/CENELEC JTC 13 member was also present in the meeting and told the participants that the presented contributions to standardisation are very valuable, and the SDOs should follow through. This CEN/CENELEC representative then requested the same presentation to be done in an upcoming CEN/CENELEC meeting.
We appreciate the interest of the SDOs for our work and our contributions, and we are willing to collaborate further with them. To be continued.