
SMESEC is a project proposed by an international group of experts as a response to the cyber-security challenges of SMEs with a limited background on cyber-security and a restricted budget. The SMESEC suite will be developed in 36 months by a strong consortium of 12 partners from 7 countries. The consortium is led by ATOS, with many years of experience in project management and cyber-security, and involves large companies, SMEs, research centers, and universities. While supported by research centers and universities, SMESEC is an industry-oriented project, where the private companies will cover more than 73% of the total project costs.

Consortium Members

ATOS Spain SA Spain ATOS Logo
Worldsensing S.L.N.E Spain Worldsensing Logo
Panepistimio Patron Greece University of Patras Logo
Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas Greece FORTH Logo
Easy Global Market SAS France EGM Logo
Scytl Secure Electronic Voting SA Spain Scytl Logo
Gridpocket SAS France Gridpocket Logo
University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland Switzerland FHNW Logo
Citrix Greece MEPE Greece Citrix Bytemobile Logo
IBM Israel Science and Technology Ltd Israel IBM Logo
Bitdefender SRL Romania Bitdefender Logo
University of Utrecht Netherlands University of Utrecht Logo