SMESEC_D2.1 SMESEC security characteristics description, security and market analysis report
SMESEC_D2.2 SMESEC security products unification report
SMESEC_D2.3 SMESEC Security Awareness Plan Report
SMESEC_D3.1 SMESEC System Design
SMESEC_D3.2 SMESEC Unified Architecture
SMESEC_D3.3 SMESEC security framework Unified Architecture
SMESEC_D3.4 SMESEC products integration on the Unified Architecture
SMESEC_D3.5 SMESEC preliminary awareness and training report
SMESEC_D3.6 SMESEC final awareness and training report
SMESEC_D3.8 SMESEC Public Report of SMESEC Framework and Unified Architecture
SMESEC_D3.9 SMESEC Framework Public Report Final Version
SMESEC_D4.1 SMESEC Preliminary integration report on e-Voting SME pilot
SMESEC_D4.2 SMESEC Final integration report on e-Voting
SMESEC_D4.3 SMESEC Preliminary Integration report on Smart City pilot
SMESEC_D4.4 SMESEC Final integration report on Smart City pilot
SMESEC_D4.5 SMESEC Preliminary Integration report on Industrial Services SME pilot
SMESEC_D4.6 SMESEC Final integration report on Industrial Services SME pilot
SMESEC_D4.7 SMESEC Preliminary Integration report on Smart Grids SME pilot
SMESEC_D4.8 SMESEC Final integration report on Smart Grid pilot
SMESEC_D4.9 SMESEC Overall Pilot alignment and integration process report
SMESEC_D5.1 SMESEC Trial scenario definitions and evaluation methodology specification
SMESEC_D5.2 SMESEC System readiness for validation activities v1.0
SMESEC_D5.4 SMESEC Security Framework Assessment report
SMESEC_D5.5 SMESEC OpenCall Design, Implementation and Results Report
SMESEC_D6.1 SMESEC Dissemination plan and market analysis
SMESEC_D6.2 SMESEC annual exploitation dissemination exploitation
SMESEC_D6.3 SMESEC annual exploitation dissemination exploitation standardisation
SMESEC_D6.4 SMESEC annual exploitation dissemination standardisation
SMESEC_D6.5 SMESEC Business model definition
SMESEC_D7.1 SMESEC Project Management strategy project handbook